Award Recipients
The following Lions were presented with leadership recognition at the state convention in May 2024. Congratulations to the following Lions.
International Presidential Award
William Anderson (E1)
Bruce Voight (D1)
International President Leadership Medals
Darlene Janowitz (A1)
Terry Tveita (A1)
Slava Krol (A2)
John Slattery (C1)
Dennis Christianson (C2)
Kerri Molter (C2)
Steve Pogue (D1)
Darrel Dwyer (D2)
Barbara Dulmes (E1)
Patrick Furey (E2)
Kayleen Rosman (E2)​​
International President's Certificate of Appreciation
Greg Pryor (A1)
Stacey Nesseth (E2)
Helmer Lecy Sight Service Award
Dr. Julie Lee
Glen Moegenburg (A2)
Lions Medal of Honor. (Presented Posthumously)
Don Hartvig (C1)
Bernard Sykora (E1)
Lion Recognition Medal
Lion Raymond (Ray) Tweedale (A2)
Melvin Jones Fellowship
Stacey Troha - WLEB
Leo of the Year
Trevor Grafton (Grafton A2)